Hello Alek.

I have seen anything pertaining to Girls Chase while the seduction community at-large.

There seems to be a lot of cognitive opinion and mental dishonesty inside area Re: «Sluts».

See, inside space we teach that women are humankind similar to guys and really should thus end up being liberated to practice sex freely w/o judgement.

Additionally, the idea of «high human anatomy count» is a non issue to all of us «lovers» unless seeking an LTR.

But the reality show that «most» ladies are never in fact designed for casual sex. Most high n rely females either have actually character conditions, records of kid punishment, bad desire control or high sex drives.

For the most part ladies barter sex for interactions and continual hookups for your ordinary chick without committment problems her psyche. That’s why FWB chicks sometimes have jaded and sick of unused sex.

Here is an idea, if females like sex a whole lot, why cannot they hold-down an FWB arrangemnt in perpetuity like males would rather?

Chase has also countered the debate that earlier seducers cannot corrupt younger women by screwing all of them youthful 18/19yo) because ladies have actually agency and certainly will believe for themselves.

Yet we in addition carry on to say that women can be attractive little smurfs who want assistance and path. They aren’t the very best choice designers particularly if youthful.

In short all of these axioms we right here be seemingly rationalisations for «lovers» to shag girls without enduring shame.

Plus one way i will show that is to request a write-up named «A Letter to my 18yo girl» or sth along these outlines providing the woman advice on simple tips to manouver sexual relations as she goes off to begin her first year in college.

Are you willing to still inform your girl that their ok to bang an easy speaking guy in the first day if she feels the vibe?

Do you really nonetheless inform her that human anatomy matter is a personal construct used by prudes and puritans? One nightstands are perfectly okay.

Might you still enable their to be banged by older guys (30s) during her first year of college because earlier man + more youthful chick is a totally typical course of action?

I have found it tough difficult to fully embody the fan archetype as it often clashes making use of patriach archetype inside me personally who believes he might have a child one-day.

And that I recognize that this site doesn’t give womens guidance because it’s a males site for males in this case proclaiming that might be an easy cop out from handling the disingenious nature of the situations we train right here Re: Females and Sex

Are you able to be an enthusiast and a patriach without having cognitive disagreement?

Trillion Dollar Question.

I adore this question, and I’d love to answer it… so, whilst it might dealt with to Alek, i would ike to weigh-in using my thoughts on it as well.

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